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Potash Alum (Potassium aluminium sulfate) 64100 για στερεοποίηση υφασμάτων - 100γρ

Σύντομη περιγραφή

Για φυτικές ίνες όπως βαμβάκι, λινό.

Recipe: Mordanting Plant fibers

(such as cotton or linen)

Preparation: The fabric should be washed as hot as possible. I.e.cotton and linen at up to 90°C.



Step 1: For approx. 100 g of fabric dissolve 30 g of Potash Alum (#64100) in 200 ml of hot water and stir into 4-5 l of cold water.
Step 2: Add 40 g of vinegar essence (24.9% acid).
Step 3: In a separate vessel, dissolve 10 g Calcined Soda (#64062) in 200 ml of hot water.
Slowly add the Soda solution in portions to the alum/vinegar solution (if added too quickly, chemical reactions such as violent foaming may occur).
Step 4: Put the washed, damp fiber into the mordant bath and leave it for 12 hours or even longer. Move gently from time to time. Rinse well and place still damp in the prepared dye bath.


Depending on the fabric itself (i. e. wool, cotton, silk), the exposure method, time and intensity, the dyes unfold many different shades.

Σε απόθεμα
9,80 €

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