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Φύλλα Σημύδας (Birch leaves) 38500 - 100gr

Preparation: The fabric should be washed as hot as possible. I.e. wool and silk with wool detergent at approx. 30°C and cotton and linen at up to 90°C.

Put the washed, damp fiber into the mordant bath and leave it for 12 hours or even longer. Move gently from time to time. Rinse well and place still damp in the prepared dye bath.


Step 1: Soak 100 g of Birch Leaves (#38500) in 3-4 l of cold water overnight.
Step 2: Heat slowly and let simmer at 70-80°C for about 45 minutes. Cool and strain.
Step 3: Put the leaves into a dye bag and add it back to the bath. Place textile fiber in the pot and re-heat to about 70°C. Let simmer for 45 minutes, stirring gently. Remove the fabric from the cooled bath.
Step 4: Either dry unwashed and rinse afterwards or rinse and wash immediately. The oxidation process while drying helps to fix the dye.


Dyeing Results: The type of mordant as well as treatment duration have a decisive influence on the dyeing result. Our recipes always aim at the full color shade. Corresponding lighter shades can be achieved by reducing the plant dye and/or diluting the dye bath with water. It is also possible to increase the amount of fabric, but this implies adjusting the quantity of dye bath so that all fibers are covered.

Cleaning: Cleaning pots works best with hot water and citric acid (#64150).

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